december 2021

so many wedding opinions, so many gifs.

in our first ever edition of 'babe takes’ we’re leaning into some hot topics that are sure to leave you feeling some type of way. from your toothpaste ticks to wedding favors that feel like more of a chore than favor, we want to hear what 2021 wedding trends you’re ready to kiss goodbye.

BUFFETS, anyone?


buffets aren’t the move.

a flickering flame isn’t going to keep the roast beef warm, aunt helena. aunty viv always knows what's up.

buffets are the move.

buffet haters, leave the buttered rolls to me. more time to pre-game — i’m likely on bar trip number four by the time my table number is called and i'm just fine with that... getting finer with every trip in fact.




since when did personal vows get so impersonal?

i could make a drinking game from the sayings i know i’ll hear. “i never believed in love at first sight until..." or "i vow to love you even when you leave the cap off of the toothpaste". save the dramatics for the dance floor, you know damn well a cap-less crest is cause for a little less loving that day.

sentimental is my middle name.

lay on the love stories and cheesiness, my sole purpose here is to cry... A LOT. does anyone have extra tissues? water proof mascara is a total mood imo, lc missed the memo.




f&*# favors

if every personalized m&m package i’ve gotten could be a dollar, i might be able to afford my own wedding. skip the mars chocolate mayhem and spend that extra money on your honeymoon.

total favor fan

personalized wedding favors have a special place in my heart. how many mini bubbles bottles are too much? the limit does not exist.


were we spot on? if this poll brought a few laughs your way, we’d consider that a major win. wondering what our next hot wedding take will be? we’ll give you a hint, babe… holiday season is FULL of opinions!

Rebecca Long